Monday, February 13, 2012

A New Path to Chakra Meditation - Transcendence & Jelila's Grace

I attended a chakra meditation at the yoga barn in Ubus, Bali, Indonesia, two weeks ago. It blew my mind and transported me to a dimension of an intensely higher vibration. Since that experience I haven't been able to duplicate the feeling, so I want to record what I felt.
Jelila is her name, she is my new power mama chakra healing guide. Jelila knows her stuff, and being in the room with this woman takes you to another galaxy. Jelila talked about movement meditation, where you stand instead of sit, and you move your hands around your body's chakra energy fields, envisioning the corresponding chakra color of bright light, while focusing on the chakra's power word.

Root Chakra - Red - "Action" Sacral Chakra - Orange - "Flow" Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow - "Clarity" Heart Chakra - Green - "Healing" and/or Pink - "Love" Throat Chakra - Blue - "Connection" / "Communication" Third Eye Chakra - Indigo - "Vision" Crown Chakra - Violet - "Wisdom"

Jelila explained that by waving our hands as conductors of light energy near certain chakra energy fields around our own bodies, we can connect more than one chakra together, in hopes of uniting their powers for a certain need in our lives at this certain time. To wave my hand around my heart chakra and my crown chakra means that I want to bring love to my wisdom, or bring wisdom to my love. I did a lot of combinations to experience different connections and how they make me feel. This was a very effective way for me to meditate. I enjoyed it so much!

We also split into small groups, and worked on sound healing. This is the first I have tried sound healing, and wow, the effects are something not quite describable, but I will try. Jelila explained that we were all, collectively under her intention, and her intention here was to harmonize the group. We practiced sounding "Ahhhhh"'s together. Her Ahhhhh was very graceful and high-pitched, which she later explained is the highest vibration of sound healing one can possibly imitate. 

In our smaller groups, about seven people in each, we chose one person to "ahhhh" a color to us, and we were supposed to guess correctly which color the person was "ahhhhh"-ing to the group. First we chose a man. He was short stocky and brown-skinned with lots of tribal arm tattoos, a bald head, and the sweetest most sincere eyes. I noticed him curl into himself and become a bit bashful right when we chose him to "ahhh." Jelila told us that in order to guess the correct color, we would need to get in pure touch with our intuition, and to envision our third eye being pulled out from between our eyebrows, as almost grounded like a root to the sky. She also told us that in order to get in touch with our most divine intuition, we need to turn inward to our feminine energy - to do this, "envision your mother," she said, and how is your mother feeling. This is what I did in my group. Jelila also advised us to allow our hearts, minds, and ears be open to just enjoying receiving the sounds. Just enjoy receiving these sounds from our new friends ~

The bald man let out a very deep, clear ahhh, it resonated inside of me even, and I felt a low vibration first at my stomach, and then as I continued to receive his "ahhh" and very much enjoyed receiving it by the way, I focused on my mother and how she was feeling in this moment. It was then that I immediately felt that this man's "ahhh" was definitely a "blue." When Jelila told us to stop, my group sat with a few blank stares, maybe we were all just a little nervous to be wrong. But suddenly the man next to me blurted out that he knew without a doubt, that he was 110% positive, that this bald man was "ahhh"ing the color blue. I too felt a strong blue, and eventually I admitted it to the group. Meegan my roommate also felt it was blue. So our group was definitely in harmony I'd say! Jelila explained that for those in my group who thought he was "ahhh-ing" orange, when he was really "ahhhh"ing blue, it meant that their minds and bodies were needing or wanting to bring connection to their flows, or flow to their connecting/communicating....for those who felt the "ahhh" was red, this meant they needed or wanted to bring action to their communication, or connection to their actions. I really enjoyed listening to Jelila bring serious and divine meaning to almost every person's individual experience.

After this she had us choose another person in our groups to make an "ahhh" aloud, and we chose Meegan for this. Before Meegan even let her "ahhh" out, before she mad a sound aloud, my mind was thinking "green." I felt in my heart that Meegan would sing a "green" ahhh to heal our group. Meegan's "ahhhh" was very soft, very feminine sounding, and a bit shaky in a very beautiful way. She was singing the "ahhh" of love baby, it was great! And I turned out to be the last person in our group to share what color I felt Meegan was sound healing us with, and I was the only person to say green, but I was correct! Very cool stuff. Jelila's intention to harmonize succeeded. I couldn't help but feel I had connected with a gift I never knew I had! We all have the gift of intuition , we just need to be in tune with it.

I started to think about my psychic abilities. This exercise got me in touch with my third eye, in ways that I've always only dreamed of. Intuition is from a divine feminine energy within us, it exists within each of us, but it is also the feeling part of us, the emotion and the "gut" of our premonitions. Masculine energy is the rational part of us, the part that wants to use logic and say, "well she could be ahhh-ing red, or blue, or maybe yellow too." The feminine knows. Jelila's tip to think of my own mother and how she is feeling, really got me in touch with my intuition and divine feminine energies. 

I discovered while in Bali that my sri yantra tattoo is actually upside-down. There are five triangles that are supposed to point downward to represent Shakti, the feminine energy. Four triangles are supposed to point upward, to represent Shiva, our masculine energy. Since my mandala is upside-down, my sri yantra features five triangles pointing upward, so that my Shakti energy actually dominates the Shiva, which is really four triangles that point downward on my back now. This is very significant and definitely was placed on my back this way for a divine reason. My feminine energies are taking over, I am getting more and more in touch with feeling, emotion, intuition. This is a good thing, and I accept it the way it is. I actually enjoy my tattoo even more now!

I have been wanting to raise the vibration of my throat chakra, third eye chakra, and also crown chakra, to reach a form of enlightenment that I have yet to really feel, although I have felt enlightenment in doses it has not become a total way of living for me just yet. I know this is because things happen exactly when they are meant to happen, and my friends in higher places have kept me close, releasing Dave as a spirit guide in my dream, and also putting me in deeper touch with my dreamworld in general, as I am now able to recall my dreams in detail nearly every night. Before this chakra meditation I was struggling severely with that, possibly also because I used marijuana habitually at home which could have blocked my ability to have clarity in the dreamworld. My friends in higher places have also assisted me while being in Bali, to push me to think of my life in new ways, to realize the grand magnificence of food and thriving and total humility and also gratitude for the process of life. Very good things happening here.

The sound healing and chakra movement meditation exercise at yoga barn opened my mind to just what I needed at the time. Jelila also sang to us in light language at the closing of our meditation session. She is a total goddess! I look forward to connecting with her one on one, if I can afford it. She is away for three weeks now, and if her healing is still calling me by then, I will follow up and try to book her. She is quite expensive but in many ways I feel there is no pricetag for this kind of work. When it calls, you must go.

The following day after chakra meditation, I felt totally rejuvenated. I actually was having trouble with digesting and stomach issues, but the day after this experience at the yoga barn, I pooped several times and I could feel my chakras completely aligned, the wheels spinning, and all that I was holding inside my mind, body, and spirit, being released and moving OUT (literally) through my system. Pooping was smooth and easy, I had a tiny stomachache, but it passed right away once I got to a bathroom to let it all out. My posture was straight, strong, and my energy came into pure balance. It was that physical manifestation of mental and spiritual clarity and release - it was great!

The following week I received my very first massage at a spa/salon. The place is called Sara Spa and it is set back off Monkey Forest Road, a main tourist road in downtown Ubud area. Sara, the science teacher here that Meegan is assisting, told us to check this certain spa out. MAN OH MAN! This was such an incredible new experience! I have never gone to a professional masseuse before in my life. In the states it would cost hundreds of dollars to get the work I got done on me. In bali, here, I paid 50,000 Rupia for one hour full body Balinese style massage. I was so new to the experience I didn't know what to do even. I went to the front desk, said "massage" and about a half hour later I was taken back a hallway into a room painted all-white, with a shower off to the side, with a table and a towel on the table. A young balinese woman, very beautiful, walked into the room, gave me a pair of "shorts" and told me to get undressed. "Everything?" I asked, and she nodded her head yes. "Bra?" She just smiled and nodded and shut the door. I had no idea what to do, I was so excited to try this new thing out, and my body was realllllly lacking energy on this day.

The shorts they give you are really not covering much at all. The butt parts are just flaps that the masseuse ended up folding upward and tucking into the waistband so she could massage my butt. The woman came in and I was holding the towel over my chest to cover up, and she told me, "is no problem" with a smile on her face, so I dropped the towel. She told me to lay on my stomach on the table so I did. She started at my legs, then went to my feet, first my right side then my left side. She also worked on my butt. The legs were my most favorite part, wait no...then she worked on my arms which felt so good! She also got on the table, straddled me and worked on my back and neck. This was all so new to me I was amazed and thinking so many things in my head! I wondered if she could feel how tense I was, I'm sure she could. Sometimes when she massaged around my neck it sort of hurt. My friend Brynn later told me this is because I never get worked on so I hold a lot of tension up there - duh! The girl told me to turn over, and she workd on my neck some more, my head, my chest too. She went around my breasts, never touching them head on, which I was kinda wondering if she was going to do. Call me stupid but I just had no idea, by the end she told me I could go shower. That was a great shower, very relaxing, and yes the shower is right in the same room as the table. Great stuff. I am still blown away by doing something like going to the spa here...I would never do this in the states! So I decided I need to take advantage of doing this here more often :) Hoping to get in a massage at least once a week here. When I left the sara spa, I felt like I had just had an injection of pure karma-induced energy fluids, I could bounce off walls and I remember a feeling of being totally floored to explore. I was ready to run around the city, grab a bite to eat, and walk around ubud till my legs fell off - bring it!

A few days later, Brynn took me to this amazing resort, right around the corner from where she lives. She told me not to tell many people about it, but I had to tell Meegan - heehee. This resort has a fresh spring pool which nobody uses and is where we spent our time at first upon arrival - sooooo wonderful being in there! They also have a chlorinated pool, where most all the people staying at the resort go. The best part of this resort was their SPA Healing/Detox Center - wowwww, another mindblowing experience I have had! Here, there is a hot tub, an arctic cold tub, a sauna, and a steam room. We did cycles together, it was great. From the spring pool, we went into the hot tub. From hot tub, to arctic tub. From arctic to hot tub. From hot tub to sauna. From sauna to arctic to hot tub. To steam room to arctic to hot tub. Woweeeee, things were getting very intense. Working my mind and body up into entering the arctic tub was incredibly mystifying. Like a connection to a higher power, greater than myself, to get me to jump right in. I repeated to myself , "there is nothing to fear" and eventually worked up the courage to overcome my egoic mind of fear, and hop into the detoxification healing qualities of entering the arctic pool. It is the states you would think it crazy to do this. Here it is what your body needs. Jumping from all these different temperatures and environments, in a beautiful carved out cave setting by the way....unimaginably beautiful....can't imagine how many years it took families of carvers to create such an epic atmosphere...I could feel every single cell swimming inside of me. When I came out of these spa cycles, we decided to end our day in the spring pool, and the walk to the spring pool was also very beautiful - the plants were ten times greener, the river running beside the walkway was ten times louder, the waves crashing on the rocks in the stream was more intense, the animals came to life suddenly, crawling quickly and looking full of life on the pathway we walked along. My senses were totally amplified in every way after the spa experience. I felt that I had learned how to journey on a psychedelic trip without having to ingest any drug ~ I told Brynn this, she laughed with me about it, but we realized it is so true! 

What a grand way to spend my time, and great sister time too. We had a lot of good conversations together, much love for this lady in my life. We are very happy we have each other here now in Bali <3

Since coming to Bali, my life has changed drastically. I am still "settling in" but also feeling like I am at home. More like home now forsure. I have had lots of thoughts, many self-reflections about my life, the kind of person I am, who I want to spend my time with when I get back, who I want to spend time with while I am here, what I want to be doing with my time here, what I want to do with my life when i am home, etc etc. Lots of thoughts! The travel experience forces you to think about these things. Who am I, where am I headed, who is comin' with meh! Good stuff.

I know my friends in higher places, spirit guides, are looking out for me while I am here. How else could I explain all the amazing experiences I've had thus far? The chakra meditation and sound healing with Jelila, the full body balinese massage at sara spa, and the healing detox spa resort with spring pool experience, plus everything i am learning about bali, making a balinese friend named Made, he works security here, there's so much I am soaking in! Need the time for me, I know this....and I am giving it!

Gotta to yoga barn again, with Brynn, for some healing time. Live music tonight at Ruslee's boyfriend, Wayan's coffeeshop.

lots of love, light, blessing, gratitude

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finding Flow in Bali, Upon Arrival

Bali has been an adventure already. This hoopjam was recorded at random, while I was waiting to teach PE Dance Lessons to some 3rd graders. It was so beautiful out that I couldn't resist. The jam here really captures the inner peace I've experienced since arriving to Bali. Travel does a special thing to a person, and I am just now recognizing how powerful that thing really is. Forces you to see yourself, face up and sing the song you never knew you had inside of you. This video is now a few weeks old, I am looking forward to more posts very soon. For now, this is a good start to my journey blog
